Here’s what Pastor Steve has preached about in the past.
Entering into our New Life in Christ
Dec 16, 2018: Entering into Our New Life
Dec 23, 2018: Our New Life
Dec 25, 2018: Christmas Message
Dec 30, 2018: Our New Life of Love
Jan 6, 2019: Our New Life of Joy
Jan 13, 2019: Our New Life of Peace
Jan 20, 2019: Supernatural Patience
Jan 27, 2019: Supernatural Kindness
Feb 3, 2019: Supernatural Goodness
Feb 10, 2019: Living By Faith
[Feb 17, 2019: Education for Transformation Guest Speaker: Nick Hadges]
[Feb 24, 2019: Our Love for God Guest Speaker: Mark Russell]
Mar 1, 2019: Supernatural Humility
Mar 8, 2019: Supernatural Self-Control
Wisdom For Life
July 8: Wisdom; What is it and how do I get it?
July 15: Choosing Gods Wisdom
[July 22: Guest Speaker: Geoff Folland on the Great Commission]
July 29: Friends
August 5: How to Speak Words of Life
August 12: Handling Money
August 19: Leadership Wisdom
Would you like to read the whole Bible in 2017?
THE GREATEST STORY EVER TOLD” IS MORE THAN JUST A CLICHÉ. God goes to great lengths to rescue lost and hurting people. That is what The Story is all about: the story of the Bible, God’s great love affair with humanity. Condensed into 31 accessible chapters, The Story sweeps you into the unfolding progression of Bible characters and events from Genesis to Revelation. Using the clear, accessible text of the NIV Bible, it allows the stories, poems, and teachings of the Bible to read like a novel. And like any good story, The Story is filled with intrigue, drama, conflict, romance, and redemption; and this story’s true! From the foreword by Max Lucado and Randy Frazee: “This book tells the grandest, most compelling story of all time: the story of a true God who loves his children, who established for them a way of salvation and provided a route to eternity. Each story in these 31 chapters reveals the God of grace—the God who speaks; the God who acts; the God who listens; the God whose love for his people culminated in his sacrifice of Jesus, his only Son, to atone for the sins of humanity.” Learn more about this whole-church experience at
The Five Habits of Highly Missional People, is a book written by Michael Frost about the BELLS method for sharing your faith. It is a “handy tool for mobilising Christians up, in and out into mission. That is, up into deeper connection with the Triune God; in to a stronger sense of community with other believers; and out into the neighbourhood.” – Michael Frost.
This reasonably short, useful book sets out both the why, and how-to of this principle and could be worked through as a small group, church or an individual. Here you can download the sermon series guide and watch accompanying videos that introduce each habit
- “Bless (Sunday February 26, Week 1:)
- “Eat” (Sunday March 5, Week 2)
- “Learn Christ” (Sunday March 12, Week 3)
- “Listen to the Spirit” (Sunday March 19, Week 4)
- “See yourself as Sent” (Sunday March 26, Week 5)
In our world today, we encounter many different versions of Jesus, who he was and what he was about. In this series, we are going back to the Bible, especially the New Testament Gospels to see what they teach us about these all-important questions. And you too can believe for a better life for children living in poverty.
- “Love Not Revenge” Matt. 5:38-42 (26/10/14)
- “How to Love All People” Matt. 5:43-48 (2/11/14)
- “How to Give” Matt. 6:1-4 (9/11/14)
- “How to Pray” Matt. 6:5-18 (16/11/14)
- “How to Fast” Matt. 6:16-18 (23/11/14)
- “How to be Rich” Matt. 6:19-34 (30/11/14)
- “How to be Non-judgemental” Matt 7:1-6 (7/12/14)
- What to do about Asylum Seekers? (25/8/13) *** Rod Benson ***
Special Guest Speaker Rod Benson is Ethicist and Public Theologian at the Tinsley Institute (Morling College), and Public Affairs Director for the NSW Council of Churches.
An ordained Baptist minister, Rod is married to Michelle and lives in Sydney. He has in the past kept fish, dogs and rabbits, but none have survived. Well, that’s not quite true. The latest pet animal, Tobias the Dachshund, has yet to be rushed to the vet. His three children, on the other hand, seem to be doing okay. For more information on Rod visit his website iDigress | Musings of an antipodean contrarian
- The Difference a Dad Makes – Father’s Day (1/9/13)
- Wouldn’t the world be a better place without religion? (8/9/13)
- Why can’t Christians be more Accepting of Alternate Lifestyles? (15/9/13)
What makes you so sure that God exists at all- especially when you can’t see, hear, or touch him? Didn’t evolution put God out of a job? Why rely on religion in an age of science and knowledge?
If you want answers to these and many more questions come and hear God’s word, with the following questions being tackled each week.
- Questions Christians Hope No One Will Ask. (16/6/13)
- How can you be so sure God exists? (30/6/13)
- How could a good God allow so much evil and suffering? (7/7/13)
- How could a loving God send people to hell? (14/7/13)
- Why trust the Bible when it’s full of myths and contradictions? (21/7/13)
- Why are Christians so anti-gay? (28/7/13)
- Has Evolution Put God Out Of Job?(4/8/13)
- Why We Can Trust the Gospels (11/8/13) *** Preaching by Owen Shelley ***
*** 23/6/13 *** Special guest speaker Carolyn Chen on the TEAR sponsored AHED Project – Elco Island
Session 1 – Moved by God (26/5/12)
A biblical overview revealing God’s purpose to restore relationship with all people and his perseverance in using Israel and the early church to reach out to the nations.
Key texts: Genesis 12; Luke 4; Acts 10.
Session 2 – Moved by Others (2/6/13)
Inspirational stories of God calling people into mission, highlighting the faithfulness and ordinariness of his followers.
Key texts: Acts 1, 8; Hebrews 11.
Session 3 – Moved by the Need (9/6/13)
Reminded by God’s heart to reach all people, we need cultural relevance, a global perspective and a dedicated response to the Spirit’s prompting.
Key texts: Matthew 9, 28.